Sunday, November 6, 2022

Teen Halloween

Spotted in Hood River, OR

Krampusnacht 2021: Night of Krampus

Our 2001 haunt had a Christmas theme. Well it was a Christmas devil but I was able to use Christmas decorations, several items of which were in free piles after Christmas 2020. I froze during the filming of the scenes in the intro video, it was painful but well worth it. We ran it for Halloween but also for Thanksgiving and Christmas, the latter run in the snow! First time running a haunt in the snow and it was wonderful, my dedicated haunt pack showed up and ran it.

Werewolves in ashland

this year our haunt was a Mexican werewolf haunt, "el hombre lobo." This will be my last haunt for at least 2 years as I want to attend my daughter's water polo games and many are out of town. As one friend put it, this is my swan song and it was a success. Many friends joined in the acting and approximately 100 people came theough the haunt. After 8 years of haunting I am happy to say I've had a good saftet record and only 1 kid has cried when one pf my dads added an unexpected jump scare none of us had rehearsed. I will never forget our haunts and the people who brought them to life.